When effectively installed, a gas-capturing lagoon cover can supply a large volume of usable methane biogas. In fact, given the increasing cost of energy from all sources, the payback period on a co-generation unit used with a gas-capturing lagoon cover can be extremely fast. Here are some estimates, based on published methane-generation estimates from the agricultural industry:

  • Example: Dairy Waste Lagoon. A cover capturing the gas from a lagoon covering 200,000 square feet, serving a 1000-head dairy waste lagoon (averaging 900 lbs. per animal) could have a payback period of less than 24 months.

  • Example: Feeder Cattle Waste Lagoon. A cover capturing the gas from a lagoon covering 150,000 square feet, serving a 500-head feeder cattle lagoon (averaging 1250 lbs. per animal) could have a payback period of less than 37 months.

  • Example: Swine Waste Lagoon. A cover capturing the gas from a lagoon covering 80,000 square feet, serving a 1000-head swine waste lagoon (averaging 220 lbs. per animal) could have a payback period of less than 58 months.
Please note: These are sample estimates based off reasonable guesses using known waste generation in equivalent BTU, and an average electricity cost of $0.08248 per kilowatt-hour. Cover prices may vary considerably depending on the installation and local conditions, so we ask that you do not use these estimates for your own project. We would be happy to help you learn more about lagoon covers and how they can pay for themselves.

We can help you with lagoon covers of all types -- from the simplest cover to a complete co-generation system. Please contact us for more information.

last revised 10.19.2005