Sizing a household well pump
June 28, 2010

We receive lots of inquiries daily from people looking for help with equipment. We recently received the following question:
How do we determine the model and size we need for domestic water system on a well?
Most well sizing is performed by taking account of the number of faucets, showerheads, toilets, and other water-using fixtures in a household. The state of Maryland offers a pretty useful chart of standard water use for different fittings. Keep in mind that several fittings may be in use at the same time (i.e., someone may be taking a shower while the dishwasher and clothes washer are both running), so it would be valuable to estimate the total flow required based upon what you expect peak usage to be.

Also, you may wish to consider using a water-storage tank of some sort. Some people will do this so they can install a smaller pump, but simply leave it operating for longer periods of time. Most water use takes place first thing in the morning, and secondarily when people arrive home in the evening. By installing a tank, you could use very low-demand periods during the overnight hours and while people are away at work and school during the day to re-fill the tank.

Once you've calculated the flow requirements, you can calculate the amount of pressure required, using our helpful guide to pump application.

We offer a wide range of submersible pumps and domestic water-pressure booster pumps for these kinds of applications, as well as tablet feeder systems for chlorinating water, UV disinfection units, and water-storage tank.

June 2010
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last revised June 2010